Find all our other Smeye Mystery related fun here!


Smeye Pre-Anniversary Mystery Boxes

Tonight there will be TWO Smeye Mysteries Dropping, be sure to click the Enter Here icon right at 8PM EST to see them both! Stay tuned all week for reveals of our upcoming Smeye Anniversary Event 5.19.24  8PM EST! 

Rules Of Smeye Mystery

1. The odds are not in your favor. We try to keep the largest amount of high end pops we possibly can in every mystery. Trust that we are committed to that but the only way this works is that the odds of you getting a “victory pop” are far less than getting a common. If you have been in the Funko community for some time weʼre sure you are accustomed to this but we just want to state it clearly.

2. Everybody gets a POP, this is not a raffle. This is a mystery contest and we will try to sprinkle in as many treats as we can. This is supposed to be fun for everybody. Honestly this site wouldnʼt exist if it wasnʼt for Mystery contests. The fun we have had participating in events like these created nagging passion to do our own. So here we are, lets have fun!

3. You can enter as many times as you want but every entry must be a NEW SINGLE UNIT PURCHASE, YOU CAN NOT BUY TWO OR MORE TICKETS AT ONCE. You can get back in line and buy ONE AT A TIME.

4. POP protectors are provided for more valuable pops although we will ship and handle every POP with care.

5. This is completely random. They are packaged before any shipping labels are printed. We do everything in our power to make this as random as possible. We encourage any winner to share on social media and look forward to being/creating a community of people enjoying themselves.

6. Every spot in the contest has to fill in order for this to work. If for some reason we fail to fill a mystery contest your money will be refunded in full. The maximum amount of time we will allow a contest to run is one week. We hope to engage enough people much faster than that and have your pops out to you as soon as possible.

7. Letʼs Boogie.